January 17, 2022 – Well, we made it through 2 years of the pandemic before Covid hit our office, but it has come with a vengeance.  For the next few days, we may not be able to respond as quickly as normal for service calls due to a large portion of our staff being sick and/or quarantined.   We will be doing as much as we can using our remote tools such as iFoye to reduce further exposure.   Please bear with us as we work through the process of getting our staff better.

Some staff working remotely are also having a bit of trouble talking on the phone due to coughing, so if possible, we recommend the chat box at the lower right of your browser or email support@internetpro.net if possible.

Normally, the virus icon is reserved for computer viruses, but I thought it was appropriate today…


Thank you for your understanding and patience.

Update January 18, 2022 – We have yet another staff member out today, so our ability to respond continues to be limited.

Update January 21, 2022 – More staff members are out.  We will most likely be closed today for lunch from 1:00 to 2:00pm.  We apologize for the inconvenience.