April 15, 2017 – We are performing updates on a few remaining servers which have not been updated from the LTS (long term support) version of Ubuntu 12.04.   Support for this operating system ends this month, so for security reasons, we must move to the next distribution level.   We are moving these servers to the next LTS release known as 14.04 which will have support until April of 2019.  During this upgrade process there will be an interruption of web services provided by these hosts.  The impact will be minimal and is expected to only be 15-20 minutes in total.

There is a risk that some websites may be adversely affected by this update as the version of PHP will also be upgraded.  Websites with old, deprecated code may stop working or produce errors.  Our staff will be trying to isolate and correct the majority of these issues.  If your website begins to have problems, please let us know so we can check the cause.    We are performing this update on the holiday weekend to minimize impact to businesses.   We will post an update here when the work is completed.    Please note that this update affects a very minority set of customers.

Update – We have completed the server upgrades.  We have identified a few sites with problems but it is a very small amount of sites.  We will be reaching out to the owners of sites which we cannot quickly fix because of the need of major redesign/overhaul work.   However, it is possible that we did not spot an issue with some sites that have them.  If you encounter problems, please let us know and we will work to assist you in any way we can.

If you have any questions or notice issues with your website, please contact us at support@internetpro.net.